About Us
Valley Heights Community Church is an independent Bible Church committed to excellence in communicating the truths of the Bible and to living authentic Christian lives so that we may glorify God and make Him known in our community and in our world.
We are a grace-empowered, Bible-centered church serving the Chilliwack area with the good news that
Jesus saves and forgives sinners eternally! We believe that the church exists to glorify God,
proclaim the gospel to all who will hear, and encourage and build up the saints to do the work of the ministry.
Our goal is to be God-honoring in everything that we do together. Through singing, praying, reading Scripture, hearing the
Word of God preached and sharing our lives with one another, we are a church family united by a common identity in Christ.
That identity is expressed through our shared confession that Jesus Christ is our Lord and Saviour.
While Sunday services include worship, prayer, the giving of first-fruits, and the public reading of Scripture, hearing the
Word of God explained is the centerpiece of our Sunday worship service.
Sermons at Valley Heights Community Church are expositional, Christ-centered, and doctrinally sound.
We believe that the best way we can grow together as a congregation of believers is through
the careful study and application of Scripture.
We are informally associated with hundreds of like-minded churches all over the world who are committed to the authority and sufficiency of Scripture, the importance of expository preaching, and the centrality of a Biblical philosophy of ministry. To gain a better understanding of who we are, we invite you to check out our Biblical philosophy of ministry and the links to the ministries that have greatly impacted us to one degree or another.
Our Biblical philosophy of ministry includes:
A High View of God –
God is the Creator of the world and is holy, righteous, and just.
An Affirmation of God’s Word –
The Bible is the inspired Word of God which means it is inerrant, authoritative, sufficient,
and always relevant.
An Accurate Understanding of Mankind –
People were created to glorify God but have sinned against God thus they are now totally depraved and
spiritually dead apart from Christ.
A Correct Understanding of the Purpose of the Church –
The church is to glorify God, teach the truth, build itself up in the faith, and be a light in this dark world.
Godly, Qualified Leadership –
Leaders must reflect the character of Christ to be models for the congregation and equip them to do the work of the ministry thus
they must meet the Biblical qualifications given in Scripture.
Trust in Jesus Christ Alone –
Salvation from God’s judgment comes only through faith in Jesus Christ’s work of salvation.
Visit our Let Us Introduce Ourselves page to learn more about us here at VHCC.